Unusual… And Beautiful

What a unique story this was, on so many levels…. “This Is Where It Ends” by Cindy Sproles is a slow, contemplative, redemptive, and far-reaching novel that is best slowly savored and explored, chapter by chapter.  It is repetitive, but in a way that makes the characters more real because, after all, life’s struggles can be repetitive, can’t they? Continue reading

The Adventures of the McQuaid Family Continue

Jody Hedlund’s “Colorado Cowboys” series continues with the fourth story of the adventurous McQuaid siblings.  This time it is the only sister Ivy getting the spotlight, as “Falling for the Cowgirl” ropes us into a dramatic adventure.  

From the start, I always guessed who Ivy’s hero would be…
Jericho Bliss.  I knew this simply because we’ve witnessed her feelings for him grow and continue throughout the previous three books in the series, and it is high time this romance was brought to the forefront and given the attention it deserved!  Ivy as a protagonist is both entertaining and frustrating, because although her big heart cannot be ignored, her strong will is sometimes hard to take.  Jericho’s intentions towards her, to protect her from his own life choices, are admirable but as he quickly discovers, feelings can sometimes derail our best intentions. Continue reading

New Biblical Fiction Holds Nothing Back

Jill Eileen Smith is a must-read author for me.  Her Biblical Fiction is without question some of the best in the genre, and her newest release from Revell Publishers is one of her most impressive works so far.  The Prince and the Prodigal” is a sweeping masterpiece that spans decades of time, and dives deep into the lives of two brothers who most likely you are familiar with… Joseph and Judah, two of the twelve sons of Jacob – patriarch of biblical times.   Continue reading

Books From GirlDefined Ministries Never Disappoint

Over the years, Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal of GirlDefined Ministries have taught me so much about living as a godly woman and daughter of our Lord.  With each new book they release, I am challenged to grow in new ways.  According to Kristen and Bethany this new book is their most personal one yet, and I definitely agree – yet it is not just a ‘memoir-type’ book that gives their stories and leaves the readers wondering how it affects them.  In fact, the opposite is true.   Continue reading

Take An In-Depth Journey With Moses

Erica Wiggenhorn has a special gift for bringing characters from the Bible to life, and making their stories, struggles, and strivings become relatable to our own lives.  Her new book from Moody Publishers, “Letting God Be Enough: Why Striving Keeps You Stuck And How Surrender Sets You Free” is a bit of a deviation from the last three Bible studies she’s written; instead this book is written in a basic 16-chapter format.  At the end of each chapter is a section to help us pause and reflect, apply, and pray about the content we just read. Continue reading

I Can’t Wait For December To Read This Book!

The air is turning colder, the days are getting shorter, and only a few tenacious leaves are still clinging to the trees.  You know what that means – Christmas is just around the corner!  And although we may try to deny it, with the holiday season usually comes busyness, stress, and the pressures to do and buy and go and see even more.  But, as beloved author Susie Larson says, what if there is a different way this year?  Prepare Him Room: A Daily Advent Devotional” from Bethany House Publishers is a beautiful little volume that challenges us to ask the question: What matters most this Christmas season? Continue reading

A Book You May Just Need – Right Now

Have you ever had a book arrive in your life unexpectedly – maybe you’ve never heard of it before, or never read anything by that author – and yet it was exactly the book you needed right at that moment in time?  This was the case for me with a new book by Sally Clarkson, entitled “HELP, I’m Drowning: Weathering the Storms of Life with Grace and Hope”.  When I first saw this title, little did I know that by the time it arrived in my mailbox our family would be facing a huge health crisis, and our entire lives would be turned upside down in the space of a few weeks.  And yet, of course, God knew… Continue reading

GirlDefined’s First Devotional Is Awesome!

I have read each and every one of Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal’s books, and I was so excited to see them release a devotional for the first time this spring!  “Shine Bright: 60 Days to Becoming a Girl Defined by God” is a beautiful little hardcover from BakerBooks, and more importantly, the inside is packed with 60 daily doses of hope, reflection, and guidance for getting into God’s word.  

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Like Stepping Into A Time Machine!

For the last couple days, I have spent every spare minute at the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893, where I witnessed an unforgettable story unfold.  How did I travel back in time?  Jocelyn Green’s new release from Bethany House Publishers, “Shadows of the White City”, was my time machine of choice, and as is always the case with her books it completely immersed me from start to finish.  This story is the second of “The Windy City Saga”, and takes place almost twenty years after “Veiled in Smoke” occurred.  All my favorite characters return in these pages, but this time it is Sylvie Townsend who is featured in the spotlight, as uncomfortable as it may be for her. . .

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An Absolute Must-Read From Jill Eileen Smith!

In the acknowledgements at the end of the book, Jill Eileen Smith claims that she has been certain a couple of times before that she had just completed the hardest book she’d ever write… but now, without question, “Miriam’s Song” is her most challenging book to date. From the flip side, I keep thinking that Jill’s latest Biblical fiction story simply can’t be beat, but the next time I pick up a new story with her name on it, she has outdone herself once again! “Miriam’s Song” is a sweeping saga spanning decades of one of the most remarkable and well-known stories in the Old Testament, but is told through a different set of eyes than we normally view the book of Exodus – those belonging to Moses’ sister, Miriam. Continue reading